2 day Colour Rebel Workshop



2 workshops over two weekends. Pease choose either the Saturday or the Sunday option.

Venue Location – Mt Hawthorn

Please read the description for further details.

Clear selection



Do you ever struggle with colour in your painting? This workshop is for you…. Take your art to the next level with colour.


Date:       Saturday 11th and Saturday18th    or  Sunday 12th and Sunday 19tth September

Time:  9.30am to 4.30 pm

Venue: Casa DÁrte  – 176 Scarborough Beach Rd,  Mt Hawthorn  ( Near Coogee St)


PS: Please note the workshops run over two Saturdays  or two Sundays. I have purposely done this so we can grasp the first day, have a play at home then come back for the second day. Colour is a life long journey. Every painting we paint we learn some thing new now latter how small.



No prior painting or drawing skills needed. This course is designed for adults of  all ages.


Join me  for a 2 day workshop learning how to read and make colour. These tricks will take your artwork on a beautiful journey of colour that is harmonious and balanced in your artwork. We will go way beyond the colour wheel. The colour wheel will finally makes sense to you and you will have the confidence to create your own  colours and and the most important is learning how to lay them together. This 2 day workshop is not making a colour chart. It is about learning to read and understand colour that will take your  understanding of colour mixing to the next level. Are you ready to improve your artwork? We will be using acrylic paint due to drying time but this theory will work with any colour medium.

Day 1- Go back to basics with the colour wheel. Learn how different temperatures create different hues. Learn how to mix colour’s confidently by learning how to read them first.

Day 2 – The game changer. How to create colour wheels that are harmonious. How colour value plays a very important role and we introduce the mother colour that will highlight your colours. There are a thousand possibilities here but when you grasp this key concept your colour choices will make you art sing. You will be confident  and your art will be taken to the next level.


Mix and meet like minded  creative souls who would like to take their colour choices to the next level. Please note you will not take home a finished piece of art, You will take home reference material that  is created by you. This workshop is designed to take you through a fun journey exploring  the possibilities with colour.

Beginners I absolutely love – you will be so amazed as your unlock your inner artist and express your creativity.

All levels are welcome. Tip – you must be prepared to let go, be brave, go with the flow.

“Paint with passion. Paint with an unknown destination. Let loose, play a little, be spontaneous.  This is where the magic happens…”

Two full days of  of fun, laughs and new friendships.

I am always incredibly excited  to be part of a students journey into  re-discovering  their path of creativity.. ..

I would love to meet you.


Two full days of creating and exploring colour. How awesome is that. Do it for you. Because you are worth it.

Jayne x


PS: Classes fill fast so please book early

For further information please  email – info@jaynerolinson.com.au

or call me – 041915806



Course information –
  • You will learn  techniques that will give you the courage to loosen up and explore colour. Be brave and let go
  • This course is designed to bring your creative side out to play.
  • Explore the possibilities of taking colour to the next level
  • Learn how to read colour. This will take your colour mixing to another level.
  • A unique insight into your own colour choices
  • Step by step guidance from a professional artist who believes on having fun along the journey.
  • Make new connections with other creative souls.
  • Fun, fun and so much more.
  • All materials supplied
  • Take home reference that will be so valuable in your studio

What you will need to bring –

  • If you can. Please pop your paints into a bag and bring them. This is just to look at what colour’s  you have at home and why you only need a small number of tubes or tubs!!!! Your bank account will thank you… art supplies can be expensive. (we all have a secret art supply shop at home! I do !)
  • Please bring lunch. Plenty of Cafe’s down the street if you would like to explore.
  • Coffee/tea and light refreshments will  be provided.
  • Please bring an apron or clothes that can have a little paint on them!

NB: Bring that playful curious side of you. The one who wants to play without expectations! Inner critic left at home.


Please note: A non-refundable deposit  of $100 for all cancellations. 





Additional information

Colour Rebel Workshop

Booking for Saturday 11th and 18th September, Booking for Sunday 12th and 19th September